Kuwait Visa Online Status Checking – Step by Step Procedure
If you’re unsure of how to check your Kuwait visa online status, the procedure is actually quite straightforward. Just your passport number and visa reference number are required. You can read about the online Kuwait visa check procedure in this article.
Check Kuwait Visa By Passport Number
Understanding the status of your visa’s validity is crucial. The MOI eVisa portal allows you to check the status of your Kuwaiti visa remaining validity.
Students must learn these skills to succeed
Steps to follow:
- Go to https://evisa.moi.gov.kw/evisa/visaPublnq.do to access the Kuwait E-Visa Portal.
- Then Type the E-Visa reference number
- Enter your passport number after that.
- To find out the status, click the “0k” button.
- You can check the status of your Kuwaiti visa validity on the following page.

How to Check the Status of a Kuwaiti Visa Application
Here are the steps to follow if you want to check the status of your visa application on the same MOI eVisa portal.
Steps to follow:
- Visit this link to check the status of your MOI visa application: https://rnt.moi.gov.kw/esrv/VisaStat.do?lang=eng
- Type in the number of your visa application.
- Next, enter the image code and select “Submit”.
- In the following window, you can view the status of your visa application.

You should now be able to check the status of your application for a Kuwait visa online. You should be able to check the status of your visa application quickly and easily by following the instructions provided in this article. Gratitude for reading!
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